Monday 19 April 2021


Guardian Angel watch over those whose names you can read in my heart.

Guard over them with every care

and make their way easy and their labors fruitful.

Dry their tears if they weep;

sanctify their joys;

raise their courage if they weaken;

restore their hope if they lose heart,

their health if they be ill,

truth if they err,

repentance if they fail. 


Angel of God

My guardian dear

To Whom His love

Commits me here

Ever this day

Be at my side

To light and guard

To rule and guide. Amen

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil.  May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.


Saturday 3 April 2021


(For reiki and non reiki healer)

♦️ First, relax your mind and take three deep breath. Focus on your breath for few minutes.

♦️ After you are in a deeply relaxed state think  of a situation, emotion, or person that has hurt you in the past. ( Draw the the Distance and Emotional healing symbol if you are reiki channel.) 

♦️ Acknowledge what is coming and just let it  sit in front of you for about 30 seconds and just let it be. Thank this presence for the growth it brought to your life no matter how painful it may be. Then, immediately visualize a large, radiant, pink bubble of love energy surrounding it. To be able to better connect with the healing power of love think of ocean of love. 

♦️ Allow this loving energy to wrap around the bubble of the unpleasant event from your past. Visualize the loving healing energy radiating right through the bubble and soaking the past  situation in pure love. 

♦️ (Make emotional healing symbol’s on the  unpleasant event here if your are reiki channel). Then, send loving energy to it for 5 minutes. At the end of the 5 minutes visualize the bubble  with the unpleasant event from the past start rising into the sky.  

 ♦️ It slowly and gently floats up higher and  higher. Once it is so high up that you can  barely see it visualize that it is so full of  love from all of the love energy that was sent to it that it bursts into a million pieces of bright pink light. 

The unpleasant event is no more. It has left you. Notice how much lighter your heart  and entire being feels.


Infinite love

Infinite wisdom

Monday 29 March 2021

Visualisation to look into Archangel Butyalil’s cosmic mirror

Find a place where you can be quiet and undisturbed.

1. Imagine you are standing under a waterfall of shimmering white water.

2. Invoke Archangel Butyalil to touch you at a cellular level with his pure white light, so that every cell of your body is illuminated and you feel him merging with you.

3. He is holding up a vast cosmic mirror in front of you.

4. You see yourself reflected in the glass.

5. Gradually you expand and light up until you can see the vastness of your expanded self, reaching right out to the stars.

6. You can see filaments of your energy reaching through space to distant solar systems, connecting with the essence of your soul.

7. Your light is the universe, transcending space and time.

8. Your breath matches the pulse of the Cosmos, illuminating you in harmony with all aspects of your being.

9. Bring this energy into your heart centre.

10. Breathe this energy out to others on their Ascension pathway.

11. Thank Archangel Butylil for this gift and open your eyes.

Taken from The Archangel Guide to Ascension

Friday 26 March 2021

Grounding meditation

 Ground/center: Sit or stand in a comfortable position, preferably with your feet flat on the ground (you don’t have to be barefoot)

Breathe deep, feeling your connection to the ground beneath you. Feel yourself extend roots into the earth, sinking deep into it’s strength. Feel your worries and cares slide down the roots, into the earth, carried by the excess energy you’ve picked up from the world around you, and pushed out as you exhale.

Now, breathe deeply and feel the sun on your skin; lift your arms, and feel the light and warmth enter you, filling your core; feel the cool, dark strength of the earth flow back along your roots, up your legs and into your core, merging with the light and warmth.

Thursday 25 March 2021

To send Healing for any intention

write the name of person and his/her dob on a piece of paper.

Ask the other person to tell you his/her area of interest (for eg.if theres headache,choose head )

Take this piece of paper and place it between both ur hands.

Now visualise the forehead of the person and repeat 


repeat this mantra  7 times and affirm that you are healing the person.

Continue this for 10 mins and ask for the feedback

Wednesday 24 March 2021

Spiritual Egg Cleansing

Spiritual egg cleansing is also known as “limpia” in Spanish. It can ease suffering by getting rid of spiritual, emotional, physical, and mental blocks that affect the soul. Spiritual cleansing is used to clean the soul, body and mind from negative energy. It also removes magic spells, bad luck, bad karma, fears, addiction, imbalances, and confusions. It is so powerful that it removes spiritual illnesses and even helps with health problems. 

*When to perform a spiritual egg cleaning*

Spiritual cleansing is as important as everyday cleaning since you can never do too much. Every person encounters different energies daily. These energies are obtained from people you meet and can have a good or bad effect on you. The effects can build up in your body and cause you harm. Here are some of the times when you can perform a spiritual egg cleansing:

*When you start to have insomnia, nightmares, or mysterious accidents

*When you are in a bad mood, tired or you  feel sluggish

*When you want to start a new business or project

*When you lose your job or encounter unforseen expenses

*When you want to get rid of negative energy or black magic spells cast on you

*When you feel distant from your partner or friends for no reason

*When you get the feeling that your path is blocked

*How to Do a Spiritual Egg Cleansing on yourself*

For you to perform a spiritual egg cleansing, you will require the following items: a white candle, an egg or two, salt, and a glass of water. First, light the candle and let it burn as you do the ritual. Do not put out the candle; just let it burn out on its own. Start the cleanse from the top of your head as you say the Lord’s Prayer, praying that the evil inside you is removed by the egg. Slowly rub the egg all over your body from head to toe. Once you are done, break the egg into the glass of water. This will enable you to see what is going on in your body and soul. When you want to dispose of it, just add salt, dump it in the toilet and flush it away.

*How to Do a Spiritual Egg Cleansing on the house*

You can also carry out a spiritual egg cleansing when you want the environment you live in to be free of negative energy or evil spirits and to feel safe. Ensure that you are alone in the house as you do this. Before you start, also make sure that all the windows are open to release negative energy after the cleansing.

The first thing you need to do is to light a white candle. Take an egg and walk in every room of the house with the egg held in your outstretched hand. As you do this, say the Lord’s Prayer as you ask for help to remove any evil spirits or spells cast on you. Once you have moved throughout the whole house, take your egg and dispose of it. You can do this by breaking the egg in a glass of water, adding salt, and flushing away the contents of the glass in the toilet.

*Egg cleansing meanings and interpretations*

▪️When you break the egg and the yolk comes out with bubbles surrounding it or shooting upwards, it is a sign that the negative energy around you is too much, meaning you are very tired. This could be the reason why you have not had the strength to do anything. There are people who even feel dizzy or get headaches.

▪️When you see a figure that looks like an animal or a person in the yolk, you should be concerned. If it is a person, the interpretation of this image is that he or she is envious of you. If it is an animal or object, you must recall if you have dreamt of it or if it is a problem in your life at the moment.

▪️When you break the egg and you see pointy images in the shape of needles or nails, this means that there are people who have cast black magic spells on you, meaning they do not want you to succeed.

▪️ If you break the egg and a coat covers the yolk, it means that someone is always disturbing you and provoking you to make you angry.

▪️When you see red or black spots on the yolk after breaking the egg, you should be attentive to the warnings. It is a sign with the interpretation that you have a disease in your body.

▪️When the yolk is cloudy, black, or grey, this is a bad sign meaning there is an evil eye sent your way through magic spells.

▪️If you see spikes facing downwards in the egg yolk, it is a symbol with the interpretation that you have a lot of anger that you have not let go.

▪️If you see figures curled in the egg yolk, this is a bad sign warning you that you could fall ill and you need to go for a checkup immediately.

▪️When you break a normal egg, the yolk always goes down. However, if the yolk remains in the middle or goes up, it is a bad sign meaning that someone is sending evil your way by casting magic spells.

▪️When you see eyes in the egg yolk, this means that someone is jealous of you and is watching you. That is why you have been feeling discomfort and your path has been blocked.

▪️If you see geometric figures in the yolk, they have different meanings. Triangles are interpretations of the lies you have been telling and your guilt. Squares tell you that you need to move forward and forget the past.

▪️White halos surrounding the yolk mean that you make decisions too quickly and you need to slow down to get back in line.

▪️If the egg yolk is hot, looks cooked, and the white appears extremely white, this is a sign that there is negative energy surrounding you. It means black magic spells have been cast on you. You should do another egg cleansing ritual to remove them.

▪️Clouds or swirling figures in the egg yolk mean you have emotional problems that are affecting your relationships with other people.

▪️If the egg yolk has many threads going up, it means gossip is disturbing your life and there are people who want to see you sad. You should do another egg cleansing to clear your path. 

▪️Silhouettes in the egg yolk are signs you need to watch out for. It means that the spirits surrounding you want to give you a message.

▪️Cobweb shapes in the yolk mean that many people are jealous of you and want you to fail in something you want, like a business, a project, or a promotion.

▪️When you break an egg and see flowers in the yolk, this is a good sign. It means that negative energies are going away and good times are coming your way.

▪️If the water in the egg yolk has blood or an odor, this is a sign that there are evil spirits around you and you need a cleansing ritual.

▪️If you break the egg and see an eye in the yolk, it is a sign of the evil eye watching you. You should get rid of it through a spiritual cleansing. 

▪️When you find that the water is clear after breaking an egg, it means that nothing bad is happening and there are no evil spirits around you.

▪️If you see the shape of a person in the egg yolk, this is a sign that you have an enemy. A slim face means that the enemy is male and a round face means it is a woman.

▪️If the egg yolk has a symbol of a bird like a vulture, owl, or crow, this means that a magic spell has been cast on you and you need to do another cleansing to be free from it.

▪️The color of the white part of the egg is also important when it comes to meanings and interpretations. If you break the egg and the white appears murky or dark, it means that you are scared and you need to have more confidence.

▪️When you break an egg and you find many bubbles surrounding the yolk, it means that there are good spirits watching out for you. 

▪️If you find big balloons in the water, it is a sign of a cage. It means that you are trapped in a situation and you will not get out of it quickly. It could be someone has trapped you in that situation or you are trapped because of wrong things you have done. You need to do many cleansings to get out of such a situation.

▪️If you happen to break the egg during a cleansing, it is a sign that evil spirits are trying to stop you from cleansing yourself. You need to do the cleansing again to get rid of the evil spirits.

*Tips for a Better Egg Cleansing*

• The best time to do an egg cleansing is on a Sunday or a Monday. This will help you to start the week with lots of strength. You can also do it at the beginning of a month or a new year.

• The cleansing can be performed at any time of the day.

• You can do the cleansing at any lunar phase, but the best time to do it is when the moon is waning.

• You can do the cleansing in any room you want but ensure that the room has a window to remove any negative energy.

• Ensure that you have all the ingredients necessary before doing a cleansing.

• Do the cleansing when you are alone unless you want to perform it on someone.

Spiritual egg cleansing is an effective ritual that gets rid of negative energy from the body and the environment. Whenever you feel like there is bad energy surrounding you, just do an egg cleansing to know what is wrong. It will leave you feeling brand newπŸ“Ώ