Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Are you a capable person ?-Self test

1] Are you good at getting on with your work?
2] Is it your habit to organize the day ahead so that you are never in confusion
3] Do you select the essential and do that first?
4] Do you tackle one job at a time ,not do a bit of this and that?
5] Do you divide long,complicated monotonous jobs and into convenient stages and finish each stage in turn before continuing the next?
6] Do you finish jobs,not leave them half done?
7] Do yout ake a pride in everything you do and give it your best?
8] Do you work at discovering the reason for anything going wrong?
9] Are the setbacks and failures a challenge to you to further effort?
10] Do you welcome responsibility and and being left in charge?
11] Are you good at helping other people sort out their difficulties and troubles?
12] Are you good at working with other people and getting them to work with you?
13] Do people listen to you when you find fault and make suggestions?
14] Are you good at doing the small maintenance jobs in your house?
15] Could you feed and look after yourseld satisfactorily if you were left in the house on your won?
16] Are you methodical about handling your correspondance and keeping a record of your financial incomings and outgoings?
17] Are you good at adapting yourself to different people change of plans,different circumstances?
18] Are you good at coping with emergencies?
18] Do you know enough about first aid and homenursing to be able to render relaible assistance
19] Could you handle a quarrelsome fellow effectively?

count five marks for each "Yes".A score of 70 plus is good, 60 to 70 is satisfactory, 50 to 60 fair and under 50 is poor.So are you capable?

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