Monday, 19 April 2021


Guardian Angel watch over those whose names you can read in my heart.

Guard over them with every care

and make their way easy and their labors fruitful.

Dry their tears if they weep;

sanctify their joys;

raise their courage if they weaken;

restore their hope if they lose heart,

their health if they be ill,

truth if they err,

repentance if they fail. 


Angel of God

My guardian dear

To Whom His love

Commits me here

Ever this day

Be at my side

To light and guard

To rule and guide. Amen

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil.  May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.


Saturday, 3 April 2021


(For reiki and non reiki healer)

♦️ First, relax your mind and take three deep breath. Focus on your breath for few minutes.

♦️ After you are in a deeply relaxed state think  of a situation, emotion, or person that has hurt you in the past. ( Draw the the Distance and Emotional healing symbol if you are reiki channel.) 

♦️ Acknowledge what is coming and just let it  sit in front of you for about 30 seconds and just let it be. Thank this presence for the growth it brought to your life no matter how painful it may be. Then, immediately visualize a large, radiant, pink bubble of love energy surrounding it. To be able to better connect with the healing power of love think of ocean of love. 

♦️ Allow this loving energy to wrap around the bubble of the unpleasant event from your past. Visualize the loving healing energy radiating right through the bubble and soaking the past  situation in pure love. 

♦️ (Make emotional healing symbol’s on the  unpleasant event here if your are reiki channel). Then, send loving energy to it for 5 minutes. At the end of the 5 minutes visualize the bubble  with the unpleasant event from the past start rising into the sky.  

 ♦️ It slowly and gently floats up higher and  higher. Once it is so high up that you can  barely see it visualize that it is so full of  love from all of the love energy that was sent to it that it bursts into a million pieces of bright pink light. 

The unpleasant event is no more. It has left you. Notice how much lighter your heart  and entire being feels.


Infinite love

Infinite wisdom

Monday, 29 March 2021

Visualisation to look into Archangel Butyalil’s cosmic mirror

Find a place where you can be quiet and undisturbed.

1. Imagine you are standing under a waterfall of shimmering white water.

2. Invoke Archangel Butyalil to touch you at a cellular level with his pure white light, so that every cell of your body is illuminated and you feel him merging with you.

3. He is holding up a vast cosmic mirror in front of you.

4. You see yourself reflected in the glass.

5. Gradually you expand and light up until you can see the vastness of your expanded self, reaching right out to the stars.

6. You can see filaments of your energy reaching through space to distant solar systems, connecting with the essence of your soul.

7. Your light is the universe, transcending space and time.

8. Your breath matches the pulse of the Cosmos, illuminating you in harmony with all aspects of your being.

9. Bring this energy into your heart centre.

10. Breathe this energy out to others on their Ascension pathway.

11. Thank Archangel Butylil for this gift and open your eyes.

Taken from The Archangel Guide to Ascension

Friday, 26 March 2021

Grounding meditation

 Ground/center: Sit or stand in a comfortable position, preferably with your feet flat on the ground (you don’t have to be barefoot)

Breathe deep, feeling your connection to the ground beneath you. Feel yourself extend roots into the earth, sinking deep into it’s strength. Feel your worries and cares slide down the roots, into the earth, carried by the excess energy you’ve picked up from the world around you, and pushed out as you exhale.

Now, breathe deeply and feel the sun on your skin; lift your arms, and feel the light and warmth enter you, filling your core; feel the cool, dark strength of the earth flow back along your roots, up your legs and into your core, merging with the light and warmth.

Thursday, 25 March 2021

To send Healing for any intention

write the name of person and his/her dob on a piece of paper.

Ask the other person to tell you his/her area of interest (for eg.if theres headache,choose head )

Take this piece of paper and place it between both ur hands.

Now visualise the forehead of the person and repeat 


repeat this mantra  7 times and affirm that you are healing the person.

Continue this for 10 mins and ask for the feedback

Wednesday, 24 March 2021

Spiritual Egg Cleansing

Spiritual egg cleansing is also known as “limpia” in Spanish. It can ease suffering by getting rid of spiritual, emotional, physical, and mental blocks that affect the soul. Spiritual cleansing is used to clean the soul, body and mind from negative energy. It also removes magic spells, bad luck, bad karma, fears, addiction, imbalances, and confusions. It is so powerful that it removes spiritual illnesses and even helps with health problems. 

*When to perform a spiritual egg cleaning*

Spiritual cleansing is as important as everyday cleaning since you can never do too much. Every person encounters different energies daily. These energies are obtained from people you meet and can have a good or bad effect on you. The effects can build up in your body and cause you harm. Here are some of the times when you can perform a spiritual egg cleansing:

*When you start to have insomnia, nightmares, or mysterious accidents

*When you are in a bad mood, tired or you  feel sluggish

*When you want to start a new business or project

*When you lose your job or encounter unforseen expenses

*When you want to get rid of negative energy or black magic spells cast on you

*When you feel distant from your partner or friends for no reason

*When you get the feeling that your path is blocked

*How to Do a Spiritual Egg Cleansing on yourself*

For you to perform a spiritual egg cleansing, you will require the following items: a white candle, an egg or two, salt, and a glass of water. First, light the candle and let it burn as you do the ritual. Do not put out the candle; just let it burn out on its own. Start the cleanse from the top of your head as you say the Lord’s Prayer, praying that the evil inside you is removed by the egg. Slowly rub the egg all over your body from head to toe. Once you are done, break the egg into the glass of water. This will enable you to see what is going on in your body and soul. When you want to dispose of it, just add salt, dump it in the toilet and flush it away.

*How to Do a Spiritual Egg Cleansing on the house*

You can also carry out a spiritual egg cleansing when you want the environment you live in to be free of negative energy or evil spirits and to feel safe. Ensure that you are alone in the house as you do this. Before you start, also make sure that all the windows are open to release negative energy after the cleansing.

The first thing you need to do is to light a white candle. Take an egg and walk in every room of the house with the egg held in your outstretched hand. As you do this, say the Lord’s Prayer as you ask for help to remove any evil spirits or spells cast on you. Once you have moved throughout the whole house, take your egg and dispose of it. You can do this by breaking the egg in a glass of water, adding salt, and flushing away the contents of the glass in the toilet.

*Egg cleansing meanings and interpretations*

▪️When you break the egg and the yolk comes out with bubbles surrounding it or shooting upwards, it is a sign that the negative energy around you is too much, meaning you are very tired. This could be the reason why you have not had the strength to do anything. There are people who even feel dizzy or get headaches.

▪️When you see a figure that looks like an animal or a person in the yolk, you should be concerned. If it is a person, the interpretation of this image is that he or she is envious of you. If it is an animal or object, you must recall if you have dreamt of it or if it is a problem in your life at the moment.

▪️When you break the egg and you see pointy images in the shape of needles or nails, this means that there are people who have cast black magic spells on you, meaning they do not want you to succeed.

▪️ If you break the egg and a coat covers the yolk, it means that someone is always disturbing you and provoking you to make you angry.

▪️When you see red or black spots on the yolk after breaking the egg, you should be attentive to the warnings. It is a sign with the interpretation that you have a disease in your body.

▪️When the yolk is cloudy, black, or grey, this is a bad sign meaning there is an evil eye sent your way through magic spells.

▪️If you see spikes facing downwards in the egg yolk, it is a symbol with the interpretation that you have a lot of anger that you have not let go.

▪️If you see figures curled in the egg yolk, this is a bad sign warning you that you could fall ill and you need to go for a checkup immediately.

▪️When you break a normal egg, the yolk always goes down. However, if the yolk remains in the middle or goes up, it is a bad sign meaning that someone is sending evil your way by casting magic spells.

▪️When you see eyes in the egg yolk, this means that someone is jealous of you and is watching you. That is why you have been feeling discomfort and your path has been blocked.

▪️If you see geometric figures in the yolk, they have different meanings. Triangles are interpretations of the lies you have been telling and your guilt. Squares tell you that you need to move forward and forget the past.

▪️White halos surrounding the yolk mean that you make decisions too quickly and you need to slow down to get back in line.

▪️If the egg yolk is hot, looks cooked, and the white appears extremely white, this is a sign that there is negative energy surrounding you. It means black magic spells have been cast on you. You should do another egg cleansing ritual to remove them.

▪️Clouds or swirling figures in the egg yolk mean you have emotional problems that are affecting your relationships with other people.

▪️If the egg yolk has many threads going up, it means gossip is disturbing your life and there are people who want to see you sad. You should do another egg cleansing to clear your path. 

▪️Silhouettes in the egg yolk are signs you need to watch out for. It means that the spirits surrounding you want to give you a message.

▪️Cobweb shapes in the yolk mean that many people are jealous of you and want you to fail in something you want, like a business, a project, or a promotion.

▪️When you break an egg and see flowers in the yolk, this is a good sign. It means that negative energies are going away and good times are coming your way.

▪️If the water in the egg yolk has blood or an odor, this is a sign that there are evil spirits around you and you need a cleansing ritual.

▪️If you break the egg and see an eye in the yolk, it is a sign of the evil eye watching you. You should get rid of it through a spiritual cleansing. 

▪️When you find that the water is clear after breaking an egg, it means that nothing bad is happening and there are no evil spirits around you.

▪️If you see the shape of a person in the egg yolk, this is a sign that you have an enemy. A slim face means that the enemy is male and a round face means it is a woman.

▪️If the egg yolk has a symbol of a bird like a vulture, owl, or crow, this means that a magic spell has been cast on you and you need to do another cleansing to be free from it.

▪️The color of the white part of the egg is also important when it comes to meanings and interpretations. If you break the egg and the white appears murky or dark, it means that you are scared and you need to have more confidence.

▪️When you break an egg and you find many bubbles surrounding the yolk, it means that there are good spirits watching out for you. 

▪️If you find big balloons in the water, it is a sign of a cage. It means that you are trapped in a situation and you will not get out of it quickly. It could be someone has trapped you in that situation or you are trapped because of wrong things you have done. You need to do many cleansings to get out of such a situation.

▪️If you happen to break the egg during a cleansing, it is a sign that evil spirits are trying to stop you from cleansing yourself. You need to do the cleansing again to get rid of the evil spirits.

*Tips for a Better Egg Cleansing*

• The best time to do an egg cleansing is on a Sunday or a Monday. This will help you to start the week with lots of strength. You can also do it at the beginning of a month or a new year.

• The cleansing can be performed at any time of the day.

• You can do the cleansing at any lunar phase, but the best time to do it is when the moon is waning.

• You can do the cleansing in any room you want but ensure that the room has a window to remove any negative energy.

• Ensure that you have all the ingredients necessary before doing a cleansing.

• Do the cleansing when you are alone unless you want to perform it on someone.

Spiritual egg cleansing is an effective ritual that gets rid of negative energy from the body and the environment. Whenever you feel like there is bad energy surrounding you, just do an egg cleansing to know what is wrong. It will leave you feeling brand new๐Ÿ“ฟ

Monday, 22 March 2021

Invocation for Finding a Job with The Angels Help.

If you are in the process of job hunting, you ask the Angels for your help. Finding a job with the angels help allows your search to come from your heart space instead of a place of doubt or fear. It allows you to connect to Divine Wisdom and Guidance helping you to shorten the time it takes to obtain viable employment. It allows you to regain confidence in yourself and in your ability to find work that you enjoy.


“Archangel’s of Career and Right Livelihood; I request your assistance with my job search. Thank you for helping me to find employment that will allow me to move into my life purpose for the highest good of all concerned.

Continue to give me the inner strength, confidence, and fortitude in my search, and clear away all fear and doubts. I see and feel the joy of having a job right now. And each time I call that memory to mind I will remember that it is a sign that you are working in my behalf even though I may not currently see or know what it is happening behind the scenes.

I trust the perfect outcome to my job search to occur in your perfecting timing and ways. And so it is!”

The Universe wants you to be fulfilled, balanced, and prosperous in everything your do. This includes finding employment that you enjoy.

Angelic Blessings!


Sunday, 21 March 2021

Divine Fire Self-affirmations:


I AM the Threefold Fire of Divine Wisdom, Divine Love, and Divine Power burning, bursting, and blazing in the effulgent Lotus of my Heart. (3times)


I AM a White-Fire Being from the Heart of the Great Central Sun, and my causal body is a wheel of rainbow fire. (3times)


I AM That which exists forever, the Eternal, Immortal, Unborn, Undying, and Everlasting Divine Fire. (3times)


Anchoring with St. Germain diane cooper


The beloved Master St. Germain is well known for the distribution of the Violet Flame of Transmutation, Freedom, Mercy and Joy. Many people have witnessed miracles in working with the violet flame. Indeed it can benefit you and everyone you want to help. For small or big issues, for planetary service or healing you can ask St. Germain to provide you with his Violet Flame.

Why not try this invocation which helps in clearing away any negative energies.

Start by taking a few deep cleansing breaths, allowing your self to settle down…

I invoke St. Germain and the ascended Masters of the 7th Ray to fill the vessel of my mind with the Violet Flame of Transformation now!… I ask that you heal all mental distractions and restore peace and order in my mind, my heart and spirit…

I invoke St. Germain to anchor the Violet Flame Sun now!… Feel and see a gigantic radiant Violet Sun merging with you. Become a mighty, radiant, loving, compassionate violet Sun…

I now dedicate this space to the Violet Flame; and I ask that the violet flame transmute all negative and stagnant energies in this house, on all levels, and fill it with grace, freedom and ultimate joy!

Rest in this space for as long as you wish, expressing gratitude before closing your meditation. Feel free repeat the invocation for consecutive days to increase its benefits.

Visualisation to meet your unicorn

1.  Close your eyes and breathe comfortably in and out of your heart centre for a while. 

2. Place a ball of shimmering white re๏ฌ‚ective light around you so that only pure unicorn energy can enter.

3. Then breathe in love and breathe out peace until you feel relaxed. 

4.  Picture yourself sitting in a peaceful, safe place by a beautiful lake.  Imagine moonlight shining onto the water. Take time to listen to the sounds. Breathe in the perfumes of the evening air.

5.  Through the moonlight you see a silver white light moving towards you and out of it emerges a magni๏ฌcent unicorn.

6. T he illumined creature walks towards you and stops in front of you, lighting you up with its glow. 

7.  Sense the love ๏ฌ‚owing from it to you. 

8. The unicorn bows its head and directs light from its horn into your heart. Take time to feel this, like a ๏ฌ‚ame of love entering you.

9.  If you wish you may stand and stroke your unicorn.  

10.  Look into its eye to make soul-to-soul contact. 

11.  Spend a little time getting to know your unicorn. 

12.  Ask it to telepathically impart any message it has for you. Listen. 

13. T hank it and watch it walking away through the moonlight.

14.  Open your eyes.

15.  Record anything you experienced in your unicorn journal.

Remember you can do this visualisation as many times as you like and you can take your friends and family through it too.

Saturday, 20 March 2021

Victory gesture for success

The index and middle fingers spread apart are called the victory sign. If you want to attract good luck in something, then there is nothing better than this gesture. At the most crucial moment, just spread two fingers apart. This can be done both in your pocket, unnoticed by others, or in public - and in order not to be considered an eccentric, you can simply hold a pen between these two fingers. This finger gesture should only be done with the dominant hand.

MONEY CHANTS-full moon





Friday, 19 March 2021

Cumin to protection from theft

 Usage of cumin seeds

*Protection energies*

The herb cumin has been used for centuries to bring protection energy. In many cultures ,sprinkling some cumin around the house and property has been said to prevent theft. It is said that cumin seeds possessed the gift of retention preventing the theft of any object .Sprinkle cumin around doors n windows ,inside and outside your house.

Benefits of camphor

 Courtesy Arti Crosby

Benefits of Burning Camphor Regularly.

Do you know the benefits of burning camphor? Buy camphor from any of the online religious stores and burn camphor regularly in your home to see its power.

The daily puja performed by every Hindus include many pious items that are bought from the religious stores. It is believed that all of these sacred items have their own spiritual significance. For example, sandalwood or chandan paste used for doing the tilak on forehead is believed to keep the tilak wearer relaxed and calm because of which the wearer is able to fully concentrate on the puja. In the same way, the sound of the ringing bell is believed to keep away the negative energy. Similarly, camphor has also its own significance.

Here’s the List of All the Benefits:-

* Drives Away all the Negative Vibes:- Camphor is lit regularly after the puja during the aarti. It is strongly believed that this holy item drives away the negative energies as well as keeps the impurities of the environment at bay.

* Camphor Is the Remedy for Pitra Dosha or the Kalsarpa Dosha:- Due to the effects of wrongly positioned planets and stars, some people go through the pitra dosha and kalsarpa dosha. Camphor is the pious item that helps you to pacify the stars and planets. You can burn the camphor three times a day in ghee and spread the smoky essence coming out from it all over the house to eradicate the negative vibes.

* Gods and Goddesses are Pleased by Burning Camphor:- Hindus strongly believe that if you burn camphor at the sunset time can please the Almighty. The worshippers are blessed with good fortunes, peace, and prosperity. So, burn camphor every day after your evening puja to push out the accumulated negative energies from the house.

* Prevents from accidents:- Burning camphor regularly lowers the chances of every unexpected accidents. Reciting the lines of the Hanuman Chalisa and then burning few cubes of camphor every day can help your to stay miles away from such unnatural accidents.

* Camphor can help You to Get Rid of Daily Nightmares:- If you see nightmares regularly, then burning camphor can prove to be helpful. It is believed that camphor has the power to remove harmful micro-organisms from the surrounding.

*Vastu Dosha Gets Removed by Burning Camphor:- When your house is not planned according to the vastu rules, you and your family memebrs may go through several problems. This is termed as the ‘vastu dosha’. In such case, you can burn a few cubes of camphor to remove the vastu dosha to a great extent.

Nutmeg ritual for prosperity

 Take NUTMEG and hold it using tongs.

Keep this nutmeg over fire flame of stove and burn it off completely till it turns black coal.

Visualise and intend Money pouring in your life.

This can be done any time of the day.

Discard the residue under the tree

Pumpkin seed ritual

 Pumpkin seeds are believed to be menifest wishes

Take a bowl of dried pumpkin seeds.

On a piece of paper, write ur money wish with Red or Green pen. Roll the paper & insert in the seeds, paper should be half inside & half outside the seeds

Keep it at a place where sun rays fall on it, once your wish is fulfilled, dispose it off under a tree

Bless your MONEY Process


Place the money on your left palm and put your right palm on top of it. Then say 

“Thank you for being in my life. I love you and I bless you. I command you to go feed the hunger and the poor, clothe the naked, bring people joy, help people pay their debts, help people make a healthy living and I COMMAND YOU TO RETURN TO ME IN MILLIONS FOLD. Thank you and I love you”.

Then you spend the money the way you should spend the money. And realize this, Thank you and I love you is a cleansing statement. After you cleanse the money, you put the blessing, the gratitude and the love. These emotions of love, gratitude, blessing goes together with the money and it goes as far as it meant to be.  

And never feel lack when you transact your money! Your energy, intentions, emotions goes with the money and it comes back to you with the money. If you think it is fun that money comes to you regardless what are the emotions energy attach to it, you are wrong. There is no joy in getting money that never even last in your wallet for a week. It is no joy in getting money that in the end you have to use it to ease your suffering like illness.

Remember what you give to the world will come back to you in millions ways. It may not promise you a million dollar in one go but it will come back to you non-stop. And it is coming back to you the way you sending it out. A joy comes back with joy. A love comes back with love. And a lack comes back with  lack.

Thursday, 18 March 2021

Acceptance Mudra by Naran Sir

How to do this Mudra? The right hand thumb touches index and middle finger, while the left hand thumb touches middle finger and ring finger. This is also called PUSHAN Mudra.

When there is a conflict and we wants to remain peaceful, we can do this Mudra and chant “I am sorry, please forgive me, Love Thanks Divine”.

When we want to stop criticizing others or when we want to have tolerance, we can be in the Acceptance Mudra and chant, “I am sorry. Please forgive me. Love Thanks Divine”.

When we want to shed our ego and pride, we can be in the Acceptance Mudra and go on affirming within, “I am sorry. Please forgive me. Love! Thanks! Divine!”

If we want to ask forgiveness with a specific person, we affirm within “I <name> forgive you <other person name> and release you, You <other person name> forgive me and release me.

The statement of forgiveness is very powerful. By repeating the statement you are creating peace within yourself first, replacing the anger and resentment inside you.

There is no limit of how many times this affirmation is to be chanted/repeated. It has to be done as many times as possible.

You can do forgiveness exercise to your parents, in-laws, spouse, siblings, your boss, your home.


Archangel Gabriel is in charge of the season of Spring, so his pure white energy is coming in strongly now.  His angel retreat is above Mount Shasta, California and he is the angel of purity and clarity.

He helps you develop your base and sacral chakras, so he enables you to improve your relationships, take wise and joyous decisions and to feel safe.

5 ways of connecting with Archangel Gabriel.

1.Affirm:  Archangel Gabriel brings me joy.

2.Prayer: Beloved Archangel Gabriel please heal all my relationships.

3.Rhyming chant:

Gabriel keep me joyous and bright

Please ignite my inner light.


Light a candle and dedicate it to Archangel Gabriel connecting with you.

Close your eyes and centre yourself.

Imagine you are in Archangel Gabriel’s shimmering white temple.

The radiant pure white Archangel is sitting on his diamond throne.

He smiles lovingly and welcomes you.

Mentally tell him what help you would like.

He places an enormous etheric diamond over your entire body.

The facets of the diamond are breaking up beliefs that no longer serve you.

You find yourself standing in pure white light.

Know that an shift has occurred within you.

Healing Waterfall of Light

One of the best meditations for healing and rejuvenating is imagining a healing waterfall of light guided by Archangel Raphael. He is our Archangel of Healing, so call upon him at anytime you need a boost, some healing and some loving light surrounding you. Here are the following steps;

Start by relaxing your body. Take some deep cleansing breaths and set your intention by asking Archangel Raphael to take you on a healing journey to a sacred garden created just for you. 

Ask for whatever it is that you need at this time to bring yourself and your energy field back into harmony and light.

Imagine that you are standing under a sparkling waterfall of light. Ask that the light be whatever colours Archangel Raphael thinks you need to bring you back into harmony. 

Begin to feel the light gathering in your energy field and surrounding you. Let this beautiful energy into your body and into your spine. Let it gather there and then begin to infuse this light to your body. Allow this healing light to radiate outward from your body  and into your nervous system.

The electrical impulses of your nervous system are now bringing more light to every cell of your body. Allow it to add more light to your entire being through your nervous system. As you do this, each cell is experiencing an opening and expanding allowing for healing and rejuvenating. 

This light is going throughout your body, through each cell, and all of your organs. It is as if you are are receiving a gentle internal massage of light and it feels so soothing and wonderful.

Notice now that you are breathing deeper and more freely. Notice that with each breath of light your physical body feels more vital and alive as you allow the light to do its job. You are letting go at a deeper level. You are now feeling calmer and more serene.

Whenever you feel you are ready to come back, begin to focus on the now and gentle awaken yourself.

Do this healing meditation at any time you feel you need healing, love and light with Archangel Raphael at your side.

Cleansing showers

 Psychic Cleansing Showers

There are showers you take to clean your body, and then there are showers you take to clean your aura.  This kind of shower is often called a Psychic Shower and generally speaking, they’re best taken in the evenings.

This is because you naturally and unknowingly collect negative energies (energy from other people) all day long, everywhere you go.  It’s a good idea to remove any negativity before going to bed each night.  This is a general preventative measure that will help prevent disease or dis-ease that occurs from long term build-up and a clogged and stagnant aura. A psychic shower before bed will help you to relax, sleep better, and wake up feeling more refreshed.

7 Steps To Cleanse Your Energy With A Psychic Shower

1. Begin by getting in the shower.

2. As you stand in the stream of water, visualize yourself surrounded with light.

3. Allow your energy to ground to the earth, by visualizing your energy flowing down, grounding you to the light at the core of the Earth.

4. Next, visualize your aura and allow yourself to see any negative and foreign energy – perhaps dark spots or particles that are being held in your energy. With awareness, you can begin to let these things go.

5. Visualize any negativity, density, and foreign energy, rinsing away from you, and washing down the drain with the water.

6. When you are finished, visualize your aura, and energy body as clear and vibrant, giving thanks to Mother Earth for supporting you in cleansing your energy and releasing any lower vibrations or negativity into the light.

7. Turn off the shower, dry off, and enjoy feeling lighter, brighter and energetically clearer than you were before!

Crystal Cleansing Shower

Crystals are powerful tools that attract and absorb energies.  Use something like a clear quartz, citrine, a lemurian seed crystal or amethyst while in the shower in order to help absorb unwanted energies. Don't use selenite, as it can dissolve in water!

Just hold the crystal in your hand, and gently rub the crystal across your skin or wave it around your aura.

Visualize energy being attracted to the crystal and being absorbed by it, and then released into the light.

When you’re finished, you'll want to cleanse your crystal too by placing it in a bowl of sea salt, or tapping into other ways of cleansing crystals.

Remember, that the spiritual properties of water don't just clear your energy and take negative, dense or stagnant energy away; water can also bring you energy.

Wednesday, 17 March 2021


☀If you have to choose between two identical things or items to buy, preference should be given to the one on the left

 ☀To get rid of the pain, try to attach a piece of foil to the sore spot with the reflective side inward and mentally say:

 "What stuck, is reflected!"

 ☀To win the competition, all other things being equal, it is useful to have a nickle with you, which must be said 7 times beforehand:

 “Come with me (your full name), conquer with me!  Let it be so!"

(Use it sometimes)

 ☀During home cleaning, when you remove the cobweb from the ceiling and walls with a broom, say:

 "What came, passed to the broom!"

Working With Archangel Michael

Archangel Michael is one of the main Archangels and is said to be closest to God our Creator, and is the Prince of the Heavenly Hosts. He is the Archangel that is most spoken about in religious books or texts. Archangel Michael is the Archangel of protection, peace, safety, clarity and moving forward. Everyone can work with Michael, and here are the steps to follow;

๐Ÿ”นFind a pleasant space to work in. Sit in a comfortable chair or if you'd prefer, lie down. Just make sure your head is supported.

๐Ÿ”นImagine little roots coming down from the soles of your feet. They're pushing down into the ground below you, allowing your feet to feel safe and protected.

๐Ÿ”นNow see a golden circle of light from heaven pouring down around you. Feel as if you're sitting within a golden circle of this loving light.

๐Ÿ”นCall in Archangel Michael. You may like to say, "Archangel Michael work with me today" or "Archangel Michael please be at my side."

๐Ÿ”นVisualize Archangel Michael. Imagine him moving swiftly on a golden ray of light with his sword and blue light. Imagine Archangel Michael putting his "strong blue light" around you for protection.

๐Ÿ”นAsk Archangel Michael for whatever help you need. You can simply imagine him with his sword of light, cutting away or dissolving any negativity from your life.Then ask Archangel Michael for the strength and courage to follow your divine life path.

๐Ÿ”นVisualize or imagine Archangel Michael sending in his heavenly angels to help you.See a golden light from heaven pouring down around you. Just know that everything is being looked after right now.

๐Ÿ”นSay "thank you." Believe that your situation is being taken care of. You may like to say "I am safe and protected now and always."

๐Ÿ”นContinue to surround yourself with Archangel Michael's strong blue light. Do this for the rest of the day.

๐Ÿ”นTrust now that Archangel Michael and his group of angels are looking after you.

Tuesday, 16 March 2021

The Fingers and their Magical Associations with Gods, Goddesses and the Planets!

The thumb holds and expresses the power of Aphrodite –  Venus. 

The index holds and expresses the power of Zeus – Jupiter.

the middle the power of Saturn.

the ring finger the power of Apollo – Sun

and the pinky or little finger the power of Hermes – Mercury.

Mars and Moon don’t have their fingers, so if you want to make a magic ring under their power you should wear it in a compatible finger to the purpose of the ring.

Now that we’ve seen fingers associations, let’s see what each God/Goddess-Planet is related with. 

Zeus – Jupiter is associated with Education, Opportunities, Good luck, Abundance and Improvement. Hence, we choose the index finger, for all kind of material or intellectual growth and development. 

Saturn is associated with Wisdom & Eternity. Hence we use the middle finger to make things last forever.  

Apollo – the Sun, is associated with Happiness, Magical Arts / Prophecy, Prosperity, Fulfillment and Good Health. Apollo blesses us with a filling of perfect bliss. This is why we use the ring finger for our wedding rings. To make our marriage happy and fulfilling! 

Aphrodite – Venus, is associated with Peace, Beauty and Love. Therefore, we use the thumb to bring forth affection and satisfaction. 

Hermes – Mercury is associated with Communication, Telepathy, Psychic Powers, Witchcraft, Travels and Financial transactions. Hence, we use the pinky, to promote better understanding and safe traveling and transactions. On this finger, we wear Rings to radiate our personal magic.

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Love ❤️ and light

Mehaak Mehta ❤️. Personalized readings available only with prior appointment ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป

Monday, 15 March 2021

Hanuman remedies

 *เค†เคœ เค•ा เค‰เคชाเคฏ* ๐Ÿ™          เคตैเคธे เคคो เคนเคจुเคฎाเคจเคœी เค•ी เคชूเคœा เค•เคญी เคญी เค•ी เคœा เคธเค•เคคी เคนै, เคฒेเค•िเคจ เคฎंเค—เคฒเคตाเคฐ เค•ो เค‡เคจเค•ी เคชूเคœा เค•เคฐเคจे เคธे เคนเคฐ เคธुเค– เคฎिเคฒ เคธเค•เคคे เคนैं เค”เคฐ เคนเคฐ เคธंเค•เคŸ เคฆूเคฐ เคนो เคธเค•เคคा เคนै।

เคฎंเค—เคฒเคตाเคฐ เค•ो เคนเคจुเคฎाเคจเคœी เค•े เคฏे เค‰เคชाเคฏ เค•เคฐเคจे เคšाเคนिเค...

1. เค…เค—เคฐ เค†เคช เคคเคจाเคต เคฎें เคนैं เคคो 7 เคฆिเคจ เคคเค• เคฐोเคœ เคนเคจुเคฎाเคจเคœी เค•ी เคชूเคœा เค•เคฐें เค”เคฐ เคนเคจुเคฎाเคจ เค…เคท्เคŸเค•-เคนเคจुเคฎाเคจ เคšाเคฒीเคธा เค•ा เคชाเค  เคญी เค•เคฐें।

2. เค…เค—เคฐ เคนเคจुเคฎाเคจเคœी เค•ी เค•ृเคชा เคชाเคจा เคšाเคนเคคे เคนैं เคคो เค…เคชเคจी เคŠंเคšाเคˆ เคธे เคฌเคฐाเคฌเคฐ เค•ाเคฒा เคงाเค—ा เคฒेเค•เคฐ เค‰เคธे เคจाเคฐिเคฏเคฒ เคชเคฐ เคฒเคชेเคŸเค•เคฐ เคฌเคœเคฐंเค—เคฌเคฒी เค•े เคšเคฐเคฃों เคฎें เค…เคฐ्เคชिเคค เค•เคฐ เคฆें।

3. เคฆเค•्เคทिเคฃ เค•ी เค“เคฐ เคฎुंเคน เค•เคฐเค•े 7 เคฆिเคจ เคคเค• เคฐोเคœ เคชीเคชเคฒ เค•े เคชेเคก़ เค•े เคจीเคšे เคฌैเค เค•เคฐ 11 เคฌाเคฐ เคนเคจुเคฎाเคจ เคšाเคฒीเคธा เค•ा เคชाเค  เค•เคฐें। เค‡เคธ เค‰เคชाเคฏ เคธे เคงเคจ เคนाเคจि เค•े เคฏोเค— เคจเคนीं เคฌเคจेंเค—े।

4. เค—्เคฐเคนों เค•े เคฆोเคท เค•ी เคตเคœเคน เคธे เค•िเคธी เค•ाเคฎ เคฎें เคธเคซเคฒเคคा เคจเคนीं เคฎिเคฒ เคฐเคนी เคนै เคคो เคšเคจे เค”เคฐ เค—ुเคก़ เคฒेเค•เคฐ เคช्เคฐเคค्เคฏेเค• เคฎंเค—เคฒเคตाเคฐ เค”เคฐ เคถเคจिเคตाเคฐ เค•ो เคนเคจुเคฎाเคจเคœी เค•े เคฎंเคฆिเคฐ เคฎें เคช्เคฐเคธाเคฆ เคฌांเคŸे เค”เคฐ เคนเคจुเคฎाเคจ เคšाเคฒीเคธा เค•ा เคœाเคช เค•เคฐें।

5. 21 เคฆिเคจ เคคเค• เคฐोเคœ เคฌเคœเคฐंเค— เคฌाเคฃ เค•ा เคชाเค  เค•เคฐเคจे เคธे เคธाเคฐी เคชเคฐेเคถाเคจिเคฏों เค•ा เคธเคฎाเคงाเคจ เคนो เคธเค•เคคा เคนै।

6. เคนเคฐ เคฎंเค—เคฒเคตाเคฐ เคนเคจुเคฎाเคจ เค•े เคฎंเคฆिเคฐ เคฎें เคšเคฎेเคฒी เค•े เคคेเคฒ เค•ा เคฆीเคชเค• เคฒเค—ाเคं। เค‡เคธเคธे เค†เคชเค•ी เคนเคฐ เค‡เคš्เค›ा เคชूเคฐी เคนो เคธเค•เคคी เคนै।


เค†เคšाเคฐ्เคฏ เคช्เคฐिเคฏंเค•ा

Attract money 234451 code




HOW TO USE 234451 ?

Chant (Two Three Four Four Five One )

As many times as you FEEL comfortable.

Before chanting say


After chanting ,look at the number ,smile & think of 234451 & say 


Be creative 

.Put green aventure oval wherever you feel there is a need to attract money

#Carry with you everyday.

#Keep in your cash box.

#Money healing keep on u r photo .

#money grid.

#money prosperity spell

#on shop cash counter .

#Under your pillow .

# Best gift for your loved ones .

* เคถुเคฆ्เคง เคช्เคฐाเค•ृเคคिเค• เค†เคตเคถ्เคฏเค• เคธुเค—ंเคง เคคेเคฒों เค”เคฐ เคฎंเคค्เคฐ เคœเคช เค•े เคธाเคฅ เคŠเคฐ्เคœा।

* เคนเคฎाเคฐे เคธ्เคŸोเคฐ เคชเคฐ เคœाเคं เคฏा เค•ॉเคฒ เค•เคฐें +91 9354305257

Energy Realignment for the Experience of Betrayal and Dishonour in your Space:

Do you often come across people, scenarios who dishonor you, your opinions, your ideas? Or Often find people in your universe who end up betraying you? Or Despite all their love and care, you still feel that they are not completely aligned with your energies? Then you need to look inside!!!

What you perceive in people is the reflection of something going inside of you!! If you move away from one such person or scenario, you will end up with another until a shift comes within. In a calm state of mind observe the patterns of your life and ask which aspect of your life you are not completely committed to? Which part of self, you are not in integrity with? and What is that you are not honoring within?

I believe we all come with certain potential, skills, ideas, visions, and experience life through them, abstractly put together we come up with a life plan and commitment. Some come here to experience abundance, some to fame, some to serve, some to lead, and some just to observe., and when you avoid that experience because of any social conditioning, you start sabotaging yourself for not following what you agreed upon and living up to it.

For example, If you are here to experience Fame which is mostly a by-product of Influencing people and refrain yourself with the fear of losing your personal space or being criticized etc., somewhere you are betraying that experience of fame along with betraying people who have agreed to be influenced and inspired by you. When that happens, unconsciously you will keep inviting people who are not in integrity with you just to remind yourself to realign. The Challenge here is of trauma becoming so intense that we lose sight of the brilliance for which it happened in the first place and the feelings of rage, resentment, revenge, betrayal, guilt, shame, etc., takes over and it falls into the loop.

The following Redikall statement will help you to recognize who you are why you are here and honor that aspect of your personality with complete integrity. This will lead you to break the pattern and align to your true potential and purpose:

“I honor my soul-level commitment and Invite honor, commitment, and integrity from others.”

Listen to Redikall Statement to invite Honor and Integrity by Roots&Bright on #SoundCloud

Thank you for reading!! Cheers!!

Venus: Problems and remedies❤️

Venus related health problems occur in face, eyesight, kidneys, uterus and appendix. Do the following to remedy the said problems.

1. Never wear unwashed clothes.

2. Keep a piece of silver in your wallet.

3. Donate sweets to widows and senior citizens

.4. Use cow ghee at home and also donate it to temples.

Sunday, 14 March 2021

Abundance cheque ritual new moon

 On cheque where it says “Pay to” write your name.

Where you would write a  amount write “paid in full”. If you wish to ask for a certain amount, you can place it in here.

Sign the cheque with “The Law of Abundance” and include “thank you” under.

You can choose to leave the date blank or you can put a date on it if you wish to see when the abundance will come to you.

You can also add affirmations to your New Moon Cheque writing ritual to create even more attraction to abundance such as :

- “I am open to abundance.”

-  “I am deserving of prosperity.

- “I am open to the ways that abundance manifest into my life.”

- “I am thankful for the blessings and prosperity on their way into my life.”

- “I am thankful for the abundance in my life and welcome more.”

Now  pray and spend time here visualising your manifestation. 

Then place your New Moon Cheque in a safe and sacred place.

On the next Full Moon you can burn it and blow the ashes in the air. Express your gratitude whilst you release the energy of the cheque to universe.

Release control of how and when the abundance will flow to you. Be open and let the Universe take care of the details.

Abundance cheques

 Abundance cheques are mostly used to attract more money. However, abundance in itself is not only about money. It can be manifested in many ways such as gifts, compliments, a fantastic job offer, a new friend, a free lunch, winning a vacation, receiving free guidance from a co-worker etc. This means that you can write a check of abundance to attract anything you want, including perfect health, general well-being, and a wonderful partner. An abundance check is simply a tool that can help you improve any area of your life.

 But how does it work? Often, when we think about what we want, we actually think about the absence of what we desire. We are thereby vibrating the absence of our dream! To change this, it can be a very good idea to write a check of abundance and then get off the subject and let the Universe take care of the rest!.It’s all very simple. Just remember that as you work with abundance checks, make sure to focus on the things that are actually working in your life right now. 

When you focus on things that feel good now, you raise your vibration and thereby allow the manifestation. 

 Writing an abundance check is a way to focus on what you want, and then to let go and allow the Universe to deliver it to you! In other words, the abundance checks help you to get out of your own way!

 Abundance checks for new moon, is about re-charging your potentials. Working with the moon energy can be very simple, yet highly effective. As you use new moon abundance checks as a tool for abundance, you bring in the moon magic into your life and allow your desires to manifest even faster!         

*How to write an Abundance Check*

Remember that your positive mood/emotion is a manifestation in itself, and a first sign that whatever you wish for is on its way to you. Have fun and get in a good mood before you follow the instructions!

*1.PRINT OUT AN ABUNDANCE CHECK* – First, start by printing out an abundance check. Alternatively you could use a check from your own checkbook. No matter which one you choose, they can both serve as a “new moon abundance check”.

*2. WRITE YOUR NAME* – In the “Pay to the order of” field, write your full name.

*3. WRITE “PAID IN FULL” OR A SPECIFIC AMOUNT* –  In the field where you write the dollar amount in numbers, fill in the text “PAID IN FULL”, or you could write a specific amount in numbers.Yes, as you write your check of abundance, you can choose between writing ”PAID IN FULL”, or write out the exact amount that you want to manifest into your life. To write ”PAID IN FULL” is to go more general. This approach can be very helpful in getting abundance in any area of your life.


*4. WRITE WHAT THE ABUNDANCE IS FOR* – If you decided to go general and wrote “PAID IN FULL” in the dollar field, you could use the “Memo” or “For” field located at the bottom left of the check. Here you can write something more specific on what the abundance is for. For example, you can write “For Perfect Health” or “For Limitless Abundance”

"Perfect life partner"

If you already have a partner then getting married to (his or her name) at the earliest.

"Free from debts and loans"

"To get abundance money to buy dream house"

"Sell the house at the earliest and get good amount" etc

*5. SIGN THE CHECK ” THE LAW OF ABUNDANCE”* – If it is not already pre-printed, sign the check “The Law of Abundance”. (Some people may prefer writing “The Universe”, “God”, or “The Law of Attraction”.)

*6. THE DATE FIELD IS OPTIONAL* – You can leave the date blank or put the date when you wrote the check. Since we are talking about dates, remember that if you are to write a New Moon Abundance Check, it needs to be done within 24 hours after the New Moon phase begins!

*7. SIGN YOUR NAME AT THE BACK OF THE CHECK* – just like you would endorse a check.

Sign it in the top and write your wishes in brief as This will give the Universe a signal that you are ”preparing it for deposit”. Don’t forget to write ”thank you”after writing the wishes. To write ”thank you” is a way to say to the Universe that the abundance has already been manifested and that it is there for you (now).

*8. NOW YOUR CHECK IS READY – STORE IT IN A SAFE PLACE* – You could put it in your wallet, or in a place where you can see your abundance check everyday. Seeing it daily is probably the most powerful way as it would work as an affirmation. Just believe and feel that you have the abundance right now!

*Wishing you all a very happy abundance..*


Buy new Lock on Friday. Don't open it.  And don't allow to shopkeeper to open it. 

Bring pack Lock at home. Remove Lock from the pack and hang it's key in to key hole of the Lock,but don't open it. Keep this lock in to your Alter and pray God to bless you with Abundance and prosperity.

Keep this lock there in your spiritual space  for atlest half an hour. Then keep this lock beside your pillow at night when you go to sleep. Keep this whole night there. 

On next day, means SATURDAY after taking bath and completing your daily prayer,take  this lock and go to any temple or spiritual place and keep it there. Remember you dont have to open that lock and come back to home.While you come back home after praying don't see behind,and forget about that lock. When ever any person open that lock it means your bright future and good luck start.




Recieve call ritual

Waiting for someone eagerly  to contact you❤️❤️

The Magic begins

Put a silver coin behind the phone and between the phone and the cover making a wish ❤️

you will receive their call soon❤️

2021 kuber wish fulfilment

 Ruling planet of *lord kuber  is mercury*

This year is also a year of *mercury*

2+0+2+1=5 represents  mercury. 

Let's have a simple ritual to hve more prosperity and abundance in our lives with pleasing lord kuber. 

Can start from any day. 

Best to start from 1st April as its new financial year. 

*What to do?*

All u hve to do is apply wish oil on yellow  candle  in front of lord kuber and u will have to follow  this ritual  for 108 days. 


       Dampen your fingers with water;

 she places her fingers on the crown chakra: 'Bless me Mother because I am your daughter "... ๐Ÿ’Ÿ

      She places her fingers on her brow: 'Bless my eyes so that I can see reality as it is and your presence in everything ... ๐Ÿ’œ

       She places her fingers on her throat: 'Bless my words so that I clearly express gentleness and wisdom "... ๐Ÿ’™

      Place your fingers on the heart: 'Bless my heart so that it learns to receive and give and to realize unconditional love "... ๐Ÿ’š

       Place your fingers on the solar plexus: Bless the energy of my life that comes from you "... ๐Ÿ’›

      Place your fingers on the uterus -three fingers x below the navel-

 'Bless my uterus and my ovaries source of my creations that are your creations "... ๐Ÿงก

   'Touch your feet: Bless my feet so that they lead me along paths of wisdom. "... ❤️

        Offer the palms of your hands to the sky: 'Bless my hands to carry out your work in the world "... ✨✨✨

 My Soul greets your Soul.

 My Being greets your Being.

 I love them


Energy healing numbers Fb page

Saturday, 13 March 2021

Strengthening Your Connection with Reiki


Place your hands together in prayer position at the heart. 

Hold them there for several minutes and simply sense how the energy flows in your hands. Notice the palms or any fingers that offer any sensation. Don't look for something specific. Your sensations are your own. Simply notice what is there. Breathe and notice and keep returning your attention to this area for at least 2-3 minutes, extending to five or so minutes a day. 

You could also tryplacing your hands at the third eye in prayer position for a portion of the practice and see what sensations you notice in your hands.

Ethereal healers fb page

Negative energy cleansing

 Negative Energy Cleansing๐Ÿ””๐Ÿ“ฏ๐ŸŽน๐Ÿฅ๐ŸŽบ๐Ÿ’ฟ๐Ÿ’ก๐Ÿ”–๐Ÿงน

 Has it ever happened to you that when you come to visit someone’s house, you feel good feelings, and in another place - negative, fear, disgust?  And this is not at all connected with a poor interior.  It's all about the energy of the room.  It is bad when it is weak, but even worse if it is negative.

 This leads not only to fatigue and irritability, but also to quarrels, leakage of money, illness and even the collapse of the family.  About how to reveal that negative energy has accumulated in your house, and how to get rid of it, further.

 Negative Energy Cleansing๐Ÿงน๐Ÿงน๐Ÿงน

 SIGNS OF Aggregation of Negative Energy in the House

 1. Cockroaches and other harmful insects appeared.

 2. Things disappear and are lost.

 3. Often sick family members and pets.

 4. Do not grow and die plants.

 5. Light bulbs and electrical appliances often burn out for no apparent reason.

 6. Leaking pipes, plumbing often breaks.

 7. Doors slam the doors and windows.

 8. There are unpleasant odors without a source.

 9. Frequent conflicts in the family.

 10. Residents apathy for everything around, constant fatigue. 11.  Bad dreams, sleep does not restore strength. 12.  A hostile envious man visited. 

13.  Someone died in the house.

 14.  Perhaps before you settled, a dysfunctional family lived in the house or a crime happened.

 If there are points that coincide with what is happening at your home, you need to think about how to heal your home.  Do not worry, all methods are simple enough and do not require the intervention of otherworldly forces


 1. Cleansing your own energy You yourself can bring negativity to your home.  To cleanse your energy, you need to take a shower, but not ordinary, but with salt.  Salt is a conductor of energy and is able to accumulate it, and in combination with water to wash it off. Taking a shower, rub the body with ordinary salt, massage and rinse thoroughly.  At the same time, you should be in a good mood and think about how to get rid of everything bad.  Believe me, you will immediately feel warm and light in your soul after such a procedure.

 2. Rid the house of unnecessary

 All things have memory and are able to accumulate energy.  That is why you need to get rid of unnecessary items in time, especially if unpleasant memories are associated with them.  Remember: everything that has not been used for more than a year accumulates negative energy. Before you start getting rid of unnecessary things, open all the windows and doors in the house - a draft will remove all the negative.  Put on simple but neat home clothes.  Do not wear jewelry and be in a neutral mood.  Get rid of all broken dishes, even if there is a small scratch on the plate.  Also do not keep it dirty.  Hand over old clothes to the workshop or throw them away.  Watch the battery in hours, they should not stop.

 Now proceed to the mirrors: wipe them with a damp cloth clockwise, the number of circles depends on how old the mirror is.  If you don’t remember the number, then just  do it

 13. If there are old mirrors in the house or those left from the previous residents, you need to get rid of these things.

 3. Sprinkling and fumigation

  holy water, but not tap water.  Sprinkle the room gently with it and then wash your hands.  After that, set fire to the branches of dry St. John's wort and carry them to all corners of the house.

 4. Cleansing with a candle

 It will take a church candle.  Take a candle and put on it a small circle cut out of white paper.  Light a candle and start moving from the front door - the main gate of negative energy.  Thoroughly process the door’s eye and its entire surface with a candle, not forgetting the handles and the bell.  Then proceed to processing the inside of the door, doing the same thing. Next, move around the perimeter of the house clockwise.  Pay special attention to windows, mirrors, corners, hangers, as well as a computer and TV, because a lot of energy dirt accumulates on them.  When you finish cleaning the house with a candle, you will have one or more burnt candles on a saucer.  Throw them into the trash immediately, do not leave them in your house.

 5. Cleaning hands after cleaning

 After you have completed all the necessary rituals, you need to thoroughly wash your hands with soap.  Next, rub your hands with salt, rinse and wait until they dry.  Then stretch your fingers.  After this, rub your hands clockwise and shake them.  Thus, you will save yourself from the negativity received during the cleaning process.

 6. Re-cleaning

Can do if required 

  The procedure for cleaning the home should be carried out 1-2 times a year or after negative incidents (death of loved ones, bad guests).


 1.Sound bells

 Hang small bells on the front door and throughout the house.  It is proved that their ringing frightens away the negative and favorably affects the human body.

 2. Light the candles

 From time to time, light candles in the house.  It can be at dinner or in the bathroom for relaxation.  The purifying power of fire is not comparable to anything!

 3. Wet cleaning and airing

 Keep your home clean  every week.  Throw trash in time.  And from time to time, open doors and windows so that there is a draft.

 4. Get a cat

 Yes, it is cats that are able to protect the house from negative energy.  Since ancient times, this animal has been endowed with magical abilities.

 It may seem ridiculous to you, because we live in the 21st century.  But people are able to charge objects around them with negative energy with their negative thoughts.  Besides, you never know what people who come to your house wish you.  Take your time and take care of the healing of your home - this certainly will not do much harm!

 I wish you happiness!

Friday, 12 March 2021

4 shen tips

 ๐Ÿ”ฏ 4 SHEN Tips .:

 ๐Ÿ”ฏ Things that attract Bad Luck ๐Ÿ€

 1.- ๐Ÿ”ฏYou should not keep objects given by a person we don't like or someone with whom the relationship was broken in a traumatic way.  It is best to take them out of the house, donate them or give them to someone else.

 2.- ๐Ÿ”ฏVases with withered flowers or ornaments with dried flowers are usually looked at sideways.  The same happens with artificial plants and flowers since, since they do not have life, they do not let energy flow and negatively interfere with the energy balance of the home.  And some fresh flowers such as carnations are also prohibited indoors as they are believed to bring bad luck.  But they can be grown in the garden.

 3.- ๐Ÿ”ฏMirrors must always look impeccable.  If they are broken, stained or in poor condition they should leave the house of everyone who believes in good and bad energies.  And those that are in good condition should be kept very clean and should never be placed in front of the foot of the bed.

 4.- ๐Ÿ”ฏLeave the scissors open attract misfortunes and bad luck to the home.  You always have to be careful to leave them carefully closed.  If you have frames with photos on your desk, you should check that they are in good condition, discarding the damaged or broken ones.

 Good luck .... ๐Ÿ€

Salt ritual

Ritual only the first Sunday of each month

you will fill a glass with running tap water and add 1 tablespoon of coarse salt, letting it rest for at least one hour.

after this time you should wash your hands with this preparation as you say this prayer:

The salt is protective and it will help me to multiply my money and never miss my home. "

It is very important for this spell to work well on how to have money all month that you do not dry your hands with anything, just wring them out and let the air dry them, naturally.

Then you use the same glass, you add the other spoonful of salt and leave it in a corner of your house all day and all night, to absorb the bad energies and then throw it down the toilet in your house.

With this simple spell (remember to do it every first Sunday of each new month) you will see that the money begins to flow in another way, which not only reaches you but increases in the amount that you have decreed that is what you need.

(Important use a wooden spoon(can use a belan or wooden stirrer) and a transparent glass without figures)

Himalaya salt

Salt granules

Can be used

If nothing not available  use normal salt