Saturday, 13 March 2021

Negative energy cleansing

 Negative Energy Cleansing🔔📯🎹🥁🎺💿💡🔖🧹

 Has it ever happened to you that when you come to visit someone’s house, you feel good feelings, and in another place - negative, fear, disgust?  And this is not at all connected with a poor interior.  It's all about the energy of the room.  It is bad when it is weak, but even worse if it is negative.

 This leads not only to fatigue and irritability, but also to quarrels, leakage of money, illness and even the collapse of the family.  About how to reveal that negative energy has accumulated in your house, and how to get rid of it, further.

 Negative Energy Cleansing🧹🧹🧹

 SIGNS OF Aggregation of Negative Energy in the House

 1. Cockroaches and other harmful insects appeared.

 2. Things disappear and are lost.

 3. Often sick family members and pets.

 4. Do not grow and die plants.

 5. Light bulbs and electrical appliances often burn out for no apparent reason.

 6. Leaking pipes, plumbing often breaks.

 7. Doors slam the doors and windows.

 8. There are unpleasant odors without a source.

 9. Frequent conflicts in the family.

 10. Residents apathy for everything around, constant fatigue. 11.  Bad dreams, sleep does not restore strength. 12.  A hostile envious man visited. 

13.  Someone died in the house.

 14.  Perhaps before you settled, a dysfunctional family lived in the house or a crime happened.

 If there are points that coincide with what is happening at your home, you need to think about how to heal your home.  Do not worry, all methods are simple enough and do not require the intervention of otherworldly forces


 1. Cleansing your own energy You yourself can bring negativity to your home.  To cleanse your energy, you need to take a shower, but not ordinary, but with salt.  Salt is a conductor of energy and is able to accumulate it, and in combination with water to wash it off. Taking a shower, rub the body with ordinary salt, massage and rinse thoroughly.  At the same time, you should be in a good mood and think about how to get rid of everything bad.  Believe me, you will immediately feel warm and light in your soul after such a procedure.

 2. Rid the house of unnecessary

 All things have memory and are able to accumulate energy.  That is why you need to get rid of unnecessary items in time, especially if unpleasant memories are associated with them.  Remember: everything that has not been used for more than a year accumulates negative energy. Before you start getting rid of unnecessary things, open all the windows and doors in the house - a draft will remove all the negative.  Put on simple but neat home clothes.  Do not wear jewelry and be in a neutral mood.  Get rid of all broken dishes, even if there is a small scratch on the plate.  Also do not keep it dirty.  Hand over old clothes to the workshop or throw them away.  Watch the battery in hours, they should not stop.

 Now proceed to the mirrors: wipe them with a damp cloth clockwise, the number of circles depends on how old the mirror is.  If you don’t remember the number, then just  do it

 13. If there are old mirrors in the house or those left from the previous residents, you need to get rid of these things.

 3. Sprinkling and fumigation

  holy water, but not tap water.  Sprinkle the room gently with it and then wash your hands.  After that, set fire to the branches of dry St. John's wort and carry them to all corners of the house.

 4. Cleansing with a candle

 It will take a church candle.  Take a candle and put on it a small circle cut out of white paper.  Light a candle and start moving from the front door - the main gate of negative energy.  Thoroughly process the door’s eye and its entire surface with a candle, not forgetting the handles and the bell.  Then proceed to processing the inside of the door, doing the same thing. Next, move around the perimeter of the house clockwise.  Pay special attention to windows, mirrors, corners, hangers, as well as a computer and TV, because a lot of energy dirt accumulates on them.  When you finish cleaning the house with a candle, you will have one or more burnt candles on a saucer.  Throw them into the trash immediately, do not leave them in your house.

 5. Cleaning hands after cleaning

 After you have completed all the necessary rituals, you need to thoroughly wash your hands with soap.  Next, rub your hands with salt, rinse and wait until they dry.  Then stretch your fingers.  After this, rub your hands clockwise and shake them.  Thus, you will save yourself from the negativity received during the cleaning process.

 6. Re-cleaning

Can do if required 

  The procedure for cleaning the home should be carried out 1-2 times a year or after negative incidents (death of loved ones, bad guests).


 1.Sound bells

 Hang small bells on the front door and throughout the house.  It is proved that their ringing frightens away the negative and favorably affects the human body.

 2. Light the candles

 From time to time, light candles in the house.  It can be at dinner or in the bathroom for relaxation.  The purifying power of fire is not comparable to anything!

 3. Wet cleaning and airing

 Keep your home clean  every week.  Throw trash in time.  And from time to time, open doors and windows so that there is a draft.

 4. Get a cat

 Yes, it is cats that are able to protect the house from negative energy.  Since ancient times, this animal has been endowed with magical abilities.

 It may seem ridiculous to you, because we live in the 21st century.  But people are able to charge objects around them with negative energy with their negative thoughts.  Besides, you never know what people who come to your house wish you.  Take your time and take care of the healing of your home - this certainly will not do much harm!

 I wish you happiness!

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