Psychic Cleansing Showers
There are showers you take to clean your body, and then there are showers you take to clean your aura. This kind of shower is often called a Psychic Shower and generally speaking, they’re best taken in the evenings.
This is because you naturally and unknowingly collect negative energies (energy from other people) all day long, everywhere you go. It’s a good idea to remove any negativity before going to bed each night. This is a general preventative measure that will help prevent disease or dis-ease that occurs from long term build-up and a clogged and stagnant aura. A psychic shower before bed will help you to relax, sleep better, and wake up feeling more refreshed.
7 Steps To Cleanse Your Energy With A Psychic Shower
1. Begin by getting in the shower.
2. As you stand in the stream of water, visualize yourself surrounded with light.
3. Allow your energy to ground to the earth, by visualizing your energy flowing down, grounding you to the light at the core of the Earth.
4. Next, visualize your aura and allow yourself to see any negative and foreign energy – perhaps dark spots or particles that are being held in your energy. With awareness, you can begin to let these things go.
5. Visualize any negativity, density, and foreign energy, rinsing away from you, and washing down the drain with the water.
6. When you are finished, visualize your aura, and energy body as clear and vibrant, giving thanks to Mother Earth for supporting you in cleansing your energy and releasing any lower vibrations or negativity into the light.
7. Turn off the shower, dry off, and enjoy feeling lighter, brighter and energetically clearer than you were before!
Crystal Cleansing Shower
Crystals are powerful tools that attract and absorb energies. Use something like a clear quartz, citrine, a lemurian seed crystal or amethyst while in the shower in order to help absorb unwanted energies. Don't use selenite, as it can dissolve in water!
Just hold the crystal in your hand, and gently rub the crystal across your skin or wave it around your aura.
Visualize energy being attracted to the crystal and being absorbed by it, and then released into the light.
When you’re finished, you'll want to cleanse your crystal too by placing it in a bowl of sea salt, or tapping into other ways of cleansing crystals.
Remember, that the spiritual properties of water don't just clear your energy and take negative, dense or stagnant energy away; water can also bring you energy.
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